In this issue:
August Anniversaries
How to Handle Food Temptations
Employee Testimonials
Gene’s Gems
It’s Collins’ Selfies
August Work Anniversaries
Congratulations to our fellow employees on their anniversary with the team! We greatly appreciate and value your hard work and success; and for this, we stand by our saying that we have “Simply the Best People” here at Collins Electrical Company, Inc.
How to Handle Food Temptations
(Adapted from article by Megan Porter, RD/LD)
Do you think your willpower is enough to overcome your appetite for tempting foods? National diet researchers who study the connections between why people do and don’t eat have claimed that willpower doesn’t stand a chance against our increasingly food-laden environment. Plain and simple, when tempting foods are around us, the battle with temptation is usually lost. To change this scenario, we need practice creating supportive environments that help us feel good about our choices.
Here are four common scenarios and ideas how to counter them:
- Overcoming the munchies while you are preparing dinner
Scenario: You come home at 6 p.m. and you’re really hungry. You immediately grab a bag of chips to eat while you’re making dinner.
Solution: Modify your environment by not having the chips available. The night before, prepare cut-up veggies to munch on while you cook (you can dip them in low-fat salad dressing). Or designate Sunday nights to cut up veggies for the week.
- Avoiding the temptation of fast food
Scenario: You’re out running errands and you’re starving, so you stop at a fast food restaurant because it’s fast and easy.
Solution: Before you leave, pack a snack that travels well –an apple and Skinny Cow cheese wedge, a Kind bar, baby carrots, turkey jerky, etc.
- Not eating the entire carton of ice cream
Scenario: Once you start eating ice cream, you can’t stop.
Solution: Buy the smallest container available. When you want to have some, scoop a ½-cup portion into a small bowl. Or skip buying ice cream at the grocery store and when you’re really craving it, take yourself out for ice cream. Or buy portioned size frozen ice cream bars, popsicles, fudgesicles, or dixie cups.
- Avoiding the munchies whilst watching TV
Scenario: You do way too much mindless eating in the evening.
Solution: Figure out one healthier snack that satisfies you at night. Perhaps a big bowl of air-pop popcorn, sugar-free pudding, a cup of tea or a baked apple.
Try this decadent recipe that will satisfy any sweet tooth, without the guilt!
Grilled Peaches with Vanilla Ice-Cream
Prep time: 5 minutes Total time: 25 minutes
- 2 tablespoons light brown sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 4 fresh peaches
- Grapeseed oil (or coconut oil)
- Vanilla ice-cream
In a small bowl, combine brown sugar and cinnamon. Cut peaches along the seam all the way around and twist halves off the pit. Brush cut sides with grapeseed oil or coconut oil. Cook – cut side down – on a hot grill until fruit has grill marks, 3 to 4 minutes. Brush tops with oil, turn over, and move to indirect heat. Sprinkle cut sides with cinnamon sugar. Cover grill and cook until sugar is melted and fruit is tender, 10 to 15 minutes. Serve with vanilla ice cream (bonus healthy points if you use organic greek yogurt instead!).
Recipe Source:
Employee Testimonials
Hello Collins Electric family! Last year, Collins Electric asked all the foremen to take a leadership class. At first, I thought what the heck, a leadership class, really? I have six kids, a wife and I’m a foreman at Collins Electric. So in my mind, I was already a good leader. But I’m always trying to better myself, so I took the class. After finishing three segments of this class, it’s really made me start looking at problems and situations differently. I went from being confrontational in my thinking to being a rational thinking person. So instead of making rash decisions, I go through a thought process, to make sure I am making the right one. This class has helped me out in my everyday life, at work and at home. I would like to thank everyone who was involved in making this leadership class happen. And a big thanks to Amanda King.
– Brian Dow, Metro Foreman
Gene’s Gems
Corporate Value of the Week: Reliability
If we here at Collins strive to be one thing, it’s reliable. We want our loyal clients to know that we will do whatever it takes to be dependable, and provide a final product that’s just as reliable as our service is.
Collins Selfies
Even though we work hard, we play hard too. Every week, we’ll show off a selfie of our most important resource: the Collins Electrical staff.
This ‘little lady’, Quinn Ensminger, is the daughter our Metro Foreman Kyle Ensminger, and is a third generation Collins team member. By the looks of it, Quinn is also Collin’s next Tammy Tanis. You better look out, Tammy.. she’s coming!!!
Speaking of Tammy Tanis…
Happy Birthday, Tammy! Best wishes from your Collins Electric family!
Check out all the Collins’ Selfies by searching for the hashtag #collinsselfie on Facebook.
Do you have a #collinsselfie to share? Post them to our page using the hashtag #collinsselfie or email Elaine at
Make sure to incorporate the Collins Electrical logo in a creative and fun way!